Sunday, April 3, 2011

Updated Information

Hello Everyone,
Just an FYI that I have another blog that follows my journeys in Second Life. I decided  to maintain both blogs. Since I have been doing social networking for a few years  I have a new perspective on online love and relationships. It may be someone you meet online but does that make the feelings any different?
More to come later.!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hello Everyone!!

It has been a very long time since I posted. I missed writing this blog with Apollo..but he is now happily married to someone else. We have maintained a friendship and I have moved on. Since breaking up with Apollo I have been involved 2 additional online long distant relationships and also a relationship that was not long distant.
I will share these experiences and all that I have learned. Hopefully my story can help others than are experiencing the same.

I  have not given up on love and never will. ...Until next time..:-))